Luofu Mountain Museum


Location Huizhou, China
Site Area 4500m2
Floor Area 1300m2
Status Built 2009
Design Architect ADARC Associates Limited + O Studio Architects
Local Design Institute Huizhou Huaxia Architectural Design Institute Ltd.
Main Contractor Wuchuan Construction Engineering Co. Ltd.


This museum is located at the scenery district of Luofu Mountain – one of the seven most famous Taoist mountain in China. It provides exhibition spaces for displaying the wooden and stone sculptures by local artists, the development history of the scenery district and the history of vernacular culture. It also serves as a platform for creativity and communication among artists and local residents, aims for interaction between art and everyday life.

This 1300 square meter private museum benefits from the unique geographic characteristics of the site. Its rectilinear architectural form gently sinks into the slope of the mountain and wraps a semi-open courtyard space. By descending from the main entrance to the exhibition spaces which surround the courtyard, one gradually reviews light, shadow, water and mountain. The indoor exhibition spaces are intimately engaged with the semi-outdoor observation corridor, water pool and the further natural landscape, enabling the vivid interaction between man and artworks, man and nature, nature and artworks. Local materials such as bamboo, limestone and oyster shell are used as shading devices, wall construction, building skin and texture palettes which recall the traditional Chinese wisdom of sustainable design and construction techniques.